In these 15-minute weekly conversations we explore the big themes – being your best at work, leadership that makes a difference and the people stuff that matters most to business. Whether you are in a small business, a big business or are looking to make a positive contribution in your career or to your community, the themes of this podcast will be relevant for you. Tune in to get a weekly dose of mwahs signature optimistic, yet pragmatic big thinking across all things work.

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Why is it called Article 23?

On 10  December 1948, a group of people with different legal and cultural backgrounds from regions all over the world, sat down in Paris as the United Nations General Assembly and ultimately ratified the Declaration of Human Rights.

The 30 articles were intended as a common standard of rights for all people and all nations. Since then, it’s been translated into 500 languages.

Sitting at Article 23, is “the right to work”.

This right is as fundamental as breathing and as shelter and is why we are so passionate about what we do. To learn more about the podcast click on the below blog posts.