Most individuals need some good coaching to properly change their mindset.

In this article, our table of ten member, Aine Watkins explores these themes in detail.

Insights for coaching mindset change

Being seen for who we really are is the ground from which true change can emerge.

Cultivating a more expanded version of who we are, which encompasses all the good in our current way, is more powerful and sustainable than shifting to a shinier version of ourselves.

Lasting shifts cannot be forced or manipulated; we need to know what is important and let that inspire the change.

Typical Offering of Mindset Coaching

Seven, one on one mindset coaching sessions (based on the groundbreaking work of Integral Coaching Canada) lasting between one and one and half hours each.

First, focus on what needs to change and why that is important from a business and personal perspective.

The second session offers a framework of individuals ‘current and new way’ based on deep intuition combined with a matrix of assessment lenses

(e.g. level of thinking, state of mind, personality type, orientation to inner and outer aspects of the world, emotional intelligence).

The third session onwards offers a series of customised practices for the individual to move towards their new way, whilst incorporating all the positives of their current way.

The last session gives an individual a method to assess where they are in relation to their new way, identify necessary support going forward, and acknowledge all they have achieved.

Typical Outcomes of Mindset Coaching

  • The complexity of mind expanded to match the complexity of problems faced e.g achievement focus expanded to strategic thinking.
  • Decision-making capacity extended to incorporate a broader range of perspectives.
  • Breakthrough in an ability to build stronger more collaborative partnerships.
  • Developing a stronger sense of self that can thrive in uncertainty.

