We are so excited that Rhonda Brighton-Hall, mwah. CEO and Co-Founder will be speaking at TedX at NSW University in August! We are big fan of Ted Talks here at team mwah. and wanted to share some of our favourites with you;
Our Favourite TED talks as collected by the mwah. team
Everyday Leadership – Drew Dudley
No, this is not another stock standard leadership talk. This is a brilliant story told by Drew Dudley about showing great leadership every single day. View the Ted Talk here- https://www.ted.com/talks/drew_dudley_everyday_leadership
Forget the Pecking Order- Margaret Heffernan
A radical rethink of what drives us to do our best work, and what it means to be a leader. View the Ted Talk here- https://www.ted.com/talks/margaret_heffernan_why_it_s_time_to_forget_the_pecking_order_at_work
Your body language may shape who you are – Amy Cuddy
With over 42 million views, this is probably a talk you have seen before, and for good reason. Amy Cuddy talks about our body language and how it impacts on how we think, feel and are perceived. We at team mwah. are also MASSIVE fans of a good power pose. View the Ted Talk here-
I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much – Stella Young
An honest, refreshing and even funny look at what it actually means to have a disability. In her 32 years on the planet, Stella made the impact most of us only dream of in a lifetime.View the Ted Talk here-
How to start a movement – Dan Sivers
3 minutes and 9 seconds of pure gold. The secret of starting a movement, that looks beyond the role of a leader. View the Ted Talk here-https://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement
What are your favourite Ted Talks? Share these via [email protected] and we will share these with the broader mwah. community.