We’re invited to work with and present to many beautiful communities.

Every so often, one stands out.

The last month, there have been two.

So, in a world of challenging news, we want to talk to just one.

(More to follow on the other in a few weeks).

The Trans Tasman Business Circle runs an annual Women’s Study Tour.

This year the theme was:

Reimagining our future: Reconciliation, Sustainability, Inclusion

Led by Ann Sherry, 2023’s tour saw 70 women, from private, public and not-for-profit sectors, moved from Uluru to Sydney to Canberra, all the time, determined to rethink, reinvent, and deliver a better future.

As Anne described it, “An incredible few days opening our minds to new thinking. A key message was that the greatest currency is ideas and creativity”.

This was in no way a light-weight talkfest. Instead, it was serious leaders, already effecting real change in their organisations and chosen fields. To a person, they’re changing the rules, and making a difference.
And next to them was an awesome group of speakers looking environment, sustainability and inclusion.
(To detail any one without all of their ideas and work, would be an injustice to all they’re doing and have achieved).

Key Takeaways

There were so many amazing ideas and takeaways, but just to name four:

  • The power of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and its place in this critical year of The Voice Referendum. 17,321,000 Australians will vote. Let’s use it wisely to support this step forward towards realising and respecting a true Australian Identity, with First Nations at the heart.
  • The time for intent has long passed. Actions matter most, and this will take all our voices and all our actions, from all organisations understanding their role in, and impact on, society
  • The voice of the next generation and how critical they are. Find them. Listen.
  • Inclusion is by design, not by accident. Actively seeking out perspectives and experience you do not have is a role you can play every day.

Of course, to be in the room added so much, but hopefully this starts you thinking of how you personally might join these conversations.

Some final thoughts.

We were so delighted to join the group in Sydney, and speak on the powerful role of culture, as a key foundation of new ways to do business. The financial balance sheet is critical, of course, but today how you achieve that, is equally important. Good for the planet and good for society should always be a baseline expectation. If you’d like a copy of our presentation, please write to us at [email protected]. We’d love to share.

If you want to be inspired, follow Tanya Oziel and her team on LinkedIn, or Instagram, to see examples of her extraordinary community, and leadership.

And about that other beautiful community…More to come soon.



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