As a result of the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 and the decisions of Governments locally and around the world, many organisations are currently working on the best possible path through the current context and to bridge to the best possible future.
mwah. is currently working with a number of organisations (small business, corporate and government) on impacts and options that can be considered.
This support has included the following:
Ongoing Strategy and Communication Support
- Looking at all options available to an organisation and working through pros, cons and risks
- Planning the agreed strategy ready for internal execution
- Communication support in this sensitive time
Simple tools for organisations and leaders to hold culture during this unprecedented time of isolated working
- We call this “Cultural Plasticity“
Hibernating Employees
- Looking at industrial options during this time
- A deeply practical support Hub for hibernating employees
- On-going support for leaders and HR teams
Redefining ‘Work’ and Connection during Isolation
- Practical tools to get your team connecting differently during this period of ‘working from home’
- Making the most of the headspace that will come with isolation, to get working on things that matter most going forward
Building a Bridge to the Future
- Ultimately working through this COVID-19 era will come to an end and sensitivities of all decisions will need to be worked through with employees reconnected to the co-forward state of the organisation. We’ve been supporting organisations to get that right as possible for all stakeholders, internal and external
Knowledge Sharing
- Keeping abreast of all that’s happening, and curating the most important information and ideas for your internal team, so they are not left drinking from the fire hydrant of available information
We’d be delighted to support your business through this time, in any way that’s most practical, adds value and gives you bandwidth to think.
Additional Useful Resources
Working World Turned Upside Down – Checklist & Webinar
Working Through the ‘Virus’ – Blog
Remote Work and How to get it Right – Blog