A Talent review template to help you plan & facilitate a great conversation to identify talent and capabilities within the organisation. Recognise areas for development, align them to the plans and business strategies. This guide aims to make the talent calibration meeting time and resource efficient and equally importantly, create an experience where people can enjoy contributing at their best and making a difference.


When holding a focused conversation between a group of people or leaders that supports calibrating talent and delivering a clear set of actions; that positively impacts individuals and delivers meaningful outcomes to the organisation.

This guide can be used to plan and run meetings at all levels of an organisation. It is best used in the hands of the person charged with facilitating the conversation and not a participant of the meeting.

It is also best used when there is already some thought given to the context in which talent is being managed. This context ensures the focus of the meeting or conversation is aimed at the most relevant or challenging areas identified.

The approach outlined in this Facilitation Guide can be used as the ‘standard’ for talent meetings across your organisation; gradually delivering aligned expectations and improved organisational capability.