At this event launched by The 100% Project, they discuss the question ‘Are quotas a good idea?’ and in particular are they good for men?

Also, while achievements addressing inequality shouldn’t be overlooked, there is still much work to do to bridge the gender pay gap.

Our CEO, Rhonda Brighton-Hall was invited on panel alongside Richard Knox (Head of HR, Asia Pacific at Ashurst), Gina De George (Head of Diversity & Inclusion at Lendlease, Matt Gribble (Regional Managing Director for PageGroup and the conversation was moderated by the Award Winning Journalist, Catherine Fox.

Previous research from The 100% Project has shown that people who oppose gender quotas are more likely to believe that the current system is fair and that in Australia people are paid and promoted based on merit.

However, an increasing body of research is questioning the ‘myth of

’ and points to the negative effects of this myth for both women and men.

The 100% Project set out to investigate why the meritocracy myth is so entrenched and so difficult to address.

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