We are excited to announce that our CEO, Rhonda Brighton-Hall is an ambassador for Flexible Working Day.

Rhonda Brighton-Hall

Rhonda is Founder and CEO of mwah. Making Work Absolutely Human – part toolkit, part think tank and part community.

She is also Chair of FlexCareers, Chair of the AHRI Inclusion and Diversity Reference Panel, a Rare Birds Ambassador, past Patron of ASPECT (Autism Spectrum Australia) and recognised as a game changer in the future design of organisations, Human Resources, leadership and flexible work.

With a corporate career spanning BHP, Sara Lee, Luxottica and CBA, across Europe, Asia, and the USA, and a former Telstra Businesswoman of the Year, HR Leader of the Year, and inductee into the Human Capital hall of Fame in 2013, her deep expertise is leadership, culture, diversity and inclusion, and teamwork.

Rhonda did her first TedX talk in 2017 – “Playing with Seven Aces” – on the benefits (and alternatives) to privilege.

A determined optimist, her fundamental belief – That we can design the future of work to work for more of us. And that includes much MUCH more flexibly than we’ve done to date.

She loves flexible work and is so excited to become an official flexible work ambassador.

Thoughts on Flexible Work

“Flexible work simply means designing work so that it works well with life.

We’ve got stuck in some 1860s way of working, and in 2018 we can do better.

Whether it be caring responsibilities, parenting, health and wellness, study, or just a passion to be a person who loves life to work well with life, flexibility is the difference between turning up to be and do your best, and turning up burnout.

Having a day to celebrate a better way of working – whatever that means to each of us – is a great idea!”

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