People Strategy Template


A simple template to get started

You can genuinely do a quick People Strategy on the back of an envelope. Here is a People Strategy template for just that!

That said, when most leaders or business owners jot down a People Strategy on the back of an envelope over lunch, they almost always immediately see the need for a detailed People Strategy. It’s apparent, pretty quickly that a few hours mapping out the detail will save you a lot of pain in trying to rectify poor decisions made on the fly.

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A “People Strategy” session

An alternative to this simple People Strategy templated here is proper People Strategy Session. This is a strategy workshop specifically designed to talk ‘people’ in your business.

There is a Facilitation Guide – How to Make a Great People Strategy which you can download below and use to facilitate this session within your business. It is designed to take between three and eight hours, depending on the number of people you have in the room, the complexity of your business, the time you want to allow for conversation and debate, and the level of granular detail you want to get to.


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