Diversity and Inclusion Identity Index:

Being strategic around diversity and inclusion starts with knowing who’s on your team, and how they identify.

It would be so easy if we fitted into neat boxes, but we don’t.

We’re not solely ‘male, female or non-binary’, we’re also an age, an ethnicity (or three), a socio-economic background, a sexual orientation, a religion, varying levels of  physical and neurodiversity, a set of life responsibilities and choices, a series of political or social opinions, and a whole host of life experiences and history.

And we’re not always how it reads on the label.

We add our own personal ‘weighting’ to each intersectionality.

We are unique, but we share lots with each and every person we meet and work with.

The Diversity and Inclusion Index lets each person define their identity their way, and gives an organisation a deeper view of how we all come together.

Of course, map this D&I Index against the Belonging Index © and you’re starting to genuinely appreciate who’s on the team, who’s not, and why.

The Belonging Index:

Way beyond engagement is a deeper way to appreciate organisational culture – a different way to profile and a very different conversation.

mwah.’s Belonging index quickly understands whether or not the people in your business have a sense of belonging.

Belonging matters to people.

It is about difference and similarity and the basis to be your best, to thrive and to achieve. Helping you understand the culture.

Discussing belonging moves Diversity and Inclusion forward.

Most companies have programs for the representation of different groups and many are focused on the idea of inclusion.
Not so many however consider that ultimately we all need to BELONG.

Read more about it here

Make your workplace absolutely human

Your people and cultural ethos are unique to your organisation. We want to capture it and put it at the heart of your people and culture work.

We will visit you to provide an audit and workshop bespoke for your business.

We start with the five simple core people process. —ChangeRecruitmentPerformanceTalent, and Reward.

If all 5 are in place, everything else is icing. We will get you on the front foot of 95% of what happens with people and culture.

Read more about it here