We offer a range of consulting services to forward thinking organisations across the full spectrum of the people space. Our areas of deep expertise are Leadership, Culture, Talent, Diversity & Inclusion, Bullying & Harassment, Belonging, Story Telling, Change and Future of Work.

We take a human-centered approach to co-designing solutions that make a lasting impact on your organisation – backed by sound research, thinking and measurement.

Our specialist consulting approach means we treat no two clients the same – always taking the time to understand, explore, design and implement for your unique organisational context. We go beyond the diagnostic or presentation pack to make work, work.

We do this using a simple and effective five-step process:

  1. Briefing – we take a detailed briefing of your organisational context and the challenge at hand; and seek out further data, insights and access to support the brief
  2. Design – once we have understood where you’re at, we work to co-design solutions and constantly iterate and re-iterate with you to get the organisational nuances and language right
  3. Feedback – we seek feedback to refine our work, incorporate any changes to organisational circumstances, to ensure our projects and design fit perfectly into your system. We work to a mantra that ‘detail matters’
  4. Branded Final Version – the final product needs to look and feel and sound exactly like your business and your brand.
  5. Handover – we can handover as a toolkit ready to go, or as a facilitated train-the-trainer workshop. We don’t just give you a slide deck and leave. We are comfortable getting into the detail to challenge assumptions and appropriately integrate our work into your organisation for sustainability and to make change stick

We are always happy to learn about you, your organisation and its people priorities. Get in touch here.

We often work with clients on consulting assignments (see our recent work below) but are also seeing a growing need to work with clients as a ‘Thinking Partner’. This sees us design and facilitate sessions with your leaders, your senior HR team or other parts of the business around a specific strategic challenge – bringing ‘outside in’ thinking to test your assumptions and help co-design a forward-looking strategy.

Some of our recent work:

  • Worked with a large State Police force to rethink flexibility, work design and the mindset required to lead it
  • Partnered with CEW and MCC to work with large Government Departments and ASX100 companies on Visible Leadership, and from there across to Everyday Sexism and a different approach to bullying. This is an area of deep expertise at mwah.
  • Shifted the dial on D&I at newly listed technology business. Invited to respond to a traditional brief, we rewrote the approach and created an innovative combination of virtual reality and facilitated conversations to bring inclusion into their DNA
  • Worked with two large organisations to rethink Talent Management, introducing a very different approach and process and then coaching personal accountability across senior and high-potential leadership cohorts.
  • Worked with two NFP to reset leadership and the people agenda as they underwent rapid organisational growth.

We don’t use client brands on our websites, preferring to work quietly behind great organisations as they grow and develop. That said, many of our clients are happy to be our referees. If you’d like to talk further, please let us know.

Additional research and partnerships:

  1. BankWest Curtin Economics Centre – designed and developed the largest ever Australian research on what it takes to be happy and engaged at work (Happy Workers Report link) and on Australian baselines to the BCEC-Future-of-Work-in-Australia-Report
  1. Sydney University – we work with Sydney University on their Masters of Organisation Behaviour to rethink Talent and Inclusion practices for the future
  2. Equal Reality – we hold a joint venture with ER to explore, challenge and further the use of Virtual Reality and other technologies for the betterment of inclusion 

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us here.

Happy Workers Report

The Australian on ‘The Happy Worker’s Report‘ by mwah. & Curtin University.

The research is created to identify what matters most to Australian workers.

Rhonda Brighton-Hall was interviewed to discuss the report in detail.

Future of Work Report

mwah. and Curtin University are excited to share the Future of Work in Australia – Preparing for tomorrow’s world report first with the mwah. Community.

 This report examines the way in which the organisation of work is changing – from workforces to workplaces – and the implications of these changes for Australia.

Virtual Reality

We do a lot of work on the future of work – redesigning and rethinking work. As part of that work, we work with some great partner organisations who are at the top of their game.

Equal Reality are world leaders in Virtual Reality, and one of our most treasured partners.