We heard you.
In these unprecedented times, we need to have empathy for others, and also, for ourselves.
And that empathy means we need to make some space to reflect, to connect, to move forward.
To do that, we’ve curated some of our best tools, templates and blogs.
We know the demands are big right now – work, life, home, change, family. So each activity only takes a few spare minutes between all that stuff – with a cup of coffee, using technology or just some plain (or colourful) old paper.
It’s organised into three sections.
‘Start here’ is the pathway in, to get your head onto the topic at hand.
‘Got 10 minutes’ takes you a bit deeper with some additional content or a quick activity.
‘Take Action’ brings it all together with an activity you can grab to thoughtfully reflect or connect.
Self Reflection
Self-reflection is about taking a moment to check-in on your wellbeing and on your career experiences (even if it feels a little tricky right now). It’s an opportune time to prioritise you and to pause, look at what matters most to you in work and life, and plot the right way forward.
Start Here – 10 quick questions to see where your wellbeing is at mwah. wellbeing survey
Got 10 Minutes? – What experiences do you need to have in sunshine, or when skies are a little gloomier?
10 Experiences you should have in your career
Take Action – Take a first glance at what matters to you using The mwah. mini journal or go deeper on what matters and your career purchase the full mwah. journal now available in digital format!
Staying Connected
Staying connected is about the most important, and often most simple things that are matter yesterday, today and tomorrow – whatever the world looks like. Take a look at what really matters, and how you can get connected or keep connected in a really great way.
Start Here – What matters most and what can you do about it? When the world changes, what stays the same
Got 10 Minutes? – What are some of the practical things you can do to cultivate and keep those important relationships at work?
How to create an urban family at work
Take Action – As we meet in different ways and more than ever, keep connected in a great way by taking some time to plot a great meeting that creates values for everyone. Quick Meeting Planner
Reconnecting Safely
For many of us we are now starting to see our return to workplaces occur and teams coming back together.
This brings with it a mixture of emotions – excitement at seeing people physically in person again, concerns about how to keep safe getting to and during work as well as feeling uncertain what the workplace and your role might look like moving forwards.
We’ve created some simple resources and links to help you on that journey.
Start Here – Quick Reads:
The big themes and opportunities coming from COVID-19: Impact of COVID-19 on Sustainable Workplace Change | 7 MIN READ
Heading back to work – our suggested approach to doing so: Re-entry without burning up | 5 MIN READ
How to debrief and bring your team back together post COVID-19: Getting back to business – debriefing to co-curate your future | 3 MIN READ
Creating your future culture post COVID-19: Co-curating your Culture | 5 MIN READ
Take Action – If you are unsure how you feel about returning to work, use our Reconnection Reflection piece. Take the time to reflect on what you have enjoyed about working remotely, what is exiting you and what you might be concerned about. Use this to chat to your manager about what the plan might look like for you.
Employee Reconnection Reflection – Supporting you to return safely to work Plan
The Australian government has created a great central resources with materials Further to support you in returning back to business at: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19-information-workplaces
Our Resources
The Checklist to get your workplace COVID Safe
What do you do if one of your team tests positive for COVID-19 or has been in close contact with a positive case? Find our straight forward response plan here: COVID-19 Positive Case – Response Plan