Quick take: What you need to know
- Talent Management is where the talent needs of the business, today and tomorrow, meet the development planning for each individual.
- Two key tools can help any size business to look after talent development: the mwah. Talent Profile and the mwah. Talent Grid.
- Use these two core elements in discussions across your team and organisation every six months. The mwah. Talent Conversation Facilitation Guide will help you.
- Don’t just talk about it! It’s critical that you follow your discussions up with concrete actions to help everyone in your team reach their potential.
The basics: The mwah. Process for Developing Talent
Developing talent and constantly aligning capability to the needs of the business is essential for all great businesses. We think it is so important that it is one of our five Signature People Processes.
Contrary to conventional wisdom, developing talent doesn’t require huge amounts of money. Most people their talent best by having opportunities and learning new things from colleagues and other leaders who do these things well.
By using just the two core elements of the mwah. Process for Developing Talent, you’ll have a good talent management approach for your business. One element is based on developing individuals and the other on calibrating talent across the team or organisation.